
Hello and Welcome!

I’m Jessica and I’m so glad you’re here! That’s me in the pic on the far right; wife, mom of three, writer, photographer and home cook living in Northern California. Those other people in the pic are my husband and kids – the people in the world who’ve had the most profound impact on who I am today and forever.

A Little Bit About Me

I paid for my college education while working full time and then spent many years working in insurance, high tech and most recently the electric vehicle business. In between, I was a stay-at-home mom, grateful for the  years at home with my children. My husband and I went from being a childless, working couple to becoming parents of three kids in just 28 months. After seeing childcare costs for a two-year old and infant twins, it was simultaneously difficult and easy to decide to resign from my awesome job in corporate sales training and stay home. We tightened our belts, cooked at home, travelled infrequently, and learned how to DIY everything. I have repainted my dining room and bedroom like 7 times. Not working also afforded me the opportunity to spend time working in my kids’ classrooms, chairing positions on boards, fundraising, booster clubs and chaperoning. Our wallets were thin but our lives were full.

Getting Food Right

I devote a lot of time for research and planning what to feed my family. Food has been something of a friend and foe in my life. There were hungry times in my childhood and college years, fun times in early marriage and young parenthood, too-much-of-a-good-thing times in my 30’s, and weight struggle times now in my 40’s. During my pregnancies, gestational diabetes brought daily insulin injections into my life. That wasn’t fun. I had to completely relearn how to eat and cook. And even today, if I’m not careful, diabetes is right outside my door, ready to move in without notice and wreak havoc.

A Frugal Pantry

There are amazingly good books, films and blogs about food, exercise and how we eat which I will share as we go forward. These have shaped my philosophy on eating and fitness. Eating in season, local when possible and food in moderation are always my goals when I cook. Simplicity is huge. There are also times when I need to get dinner on the table and I don’t have a lovely rainbow of fresh herbs and vegetables hanging out in the fridge. On those nights, whatever I can find in my panty and freezer is what goes into my recipes. Living on one income has made me frugal.

Exercise and Calories

I build recipes and meals around a need for protein, wholesome fats, fruits, vegetables, moderate carbs and low sugar. Like so many others, I have tried and failed at a large variety of diets. I’ve discovered that moderate calorie intake and lots of exercise works best for me. I was a runner in high school and college and in my 40’s ran 4 half marathons and a ton of 5K’s. But two ruptured disks and a long term case of plantar fasciitis have forced me to change and I now enjoy gym classes, walks, hikes and bootcamps.

Paying It Forward

So often, I’ve landed upon blogs by givers; people who are sharing goodness. I’ve received great advice, recipes, admired gorgeous pics and enjoyed witty humor. My blog is many things, but it’s also a pay-it-forward; a chance to repay those kindnesses. I hope you’ll find recipes here that you fall in love with, you’ll visit often, share your insights and give constructive feedback. We all have to eat – might as well collaborate, have fun and get it right.

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Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and sign up below for the latest and greatest. Thank you for visiting!!

Your friend in food,

